Vote for my photo :)

This is how much I love Gastein, skiing and whole Austria – I have made this t-shirt myself for everyone to know it and to have a chance to win a trip to Gastein 🙂

fot. Asia Kałuska

If someone would like to help me, I’d be very grateful 🙂 All I ask is to like my photo. This is a direct link to my photo:, you have to clik the button “lubie to” below this picture.

fot. Asia Kałuska

Thank you very much in advance 🙂

And to top it all Asia made a short movie about this contest 🙂

[youtube id=”b1NroxRG5Fk”]



  1. qubix15 pisze:

    No problem. I can vote for skier27 🙂

  2. skier13 pisze:

    Thanks to everyone for your votes 🙂 Unfortunatly I didn’t win 🙁

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