parallax background

007 ELEMENTS – już otwarte

007 ELEMENTS - niesamowita filmowa instalacja na szczycie Gaislachkogl - 3050 m n.p.m., obok restauracji ICE Q miała być już otwarta w sezonie zimowym 2017/ 2018, a zadziało się to dokładnie wczoraj - 12 lipca 2018.

Zakładamy, że tak właśnie miało być, że wcześniejszy komunikat, to taka zmyłka dla wrogów Bond'a :)

007 ELEMENTS - to miejsce, gdzie każdy odwiedzający będzie mógł wejść w głąb kinowego wszechświata najsłynniejszego Tajnego Agenta Jej Królewskiej Mości. Poczuć dreszczyk emocji, chociaż w jakimś niewielkim procencie, jaki czuł sam Daniel Craig podczas kręcenia Spectre.


Poniżej niesamowity opis 007 ELEMENTS przygotowany przez Ötztal Tourismus, który pozwoli Wam poznać lepiej tą nowość w Soelden.

The natural setting of Ötztal's Bond World could hardly be better. At the peak of 3050 meter tall Gaislachkogl high above Sölden, 007 ELEMENTS takes you on a journey to the underground realm of an ever-young myth of the modern age. The ride on one of the world's most modern mountain gondolas opens up the tingle of excitement. While in Spectre quartermaster and genius "Q" enjoyed the advantages of this superb triple-rope gondola, Bond traveled to Sölden by plane. The awe-inspiring panorama of the Ötztal Alps characterized the 24th Bond adventure in appropriate Hollywood style. But in reality the scenery unfolds even more power. Ascent and arrival on top are part of the first act - worthy of any 007 adventure on this special heroic journey. The panoramic view from Sölden's unique ski mountain is almost endless on clear days, stretching to Zugspitze summit in the north and to the mighty Dolomites in the south. As soon as the eyes are able to break away from this natural beauty, the focus quickly turns to the real object of passion: the Sölden Mountain Lift Company has installed 007 ELEMENTS inside the mountain, deep beneath the ice Q restaurant designed by architect Johann Obermoser - the location of Spectre's Hoffler Clinic.

Design of world format amid rough nature

Like a secret hiding place, the underground Cinematic Installation covers 1300 m². One thing becomes clear right away: it's cold at an Alpine summit of this altitude as you are at more than 3000 meters above sea level. Even the "coolest" visitors are advised to wear warm clothes - also in the summer months. The architect's decision not to use air conditioning was a central part of the design concept. The location and its pristine surrounding nature in the high in this high Alpine area should be constantly present also in the building's interior. Very "hot", however, is the installation itself. Exceptional creative minds have implemented a captivating composition unlike any in the world, spread over nine halls and chambers.
Neil Callow, set designer of the last four Bond films from Casino Royale to Spectre, kept a watch over the realization of his artistic vision as an art director in Sölden. "It was the best project I've ever had," enthuses 43-year old Callow. In addition, Tino Schaedler of the American "Optimist Design" creative company was deeply involved in the visual implementation. The Los Angeles based company designs staging concepts for many renowned global brands like Google, Nike or the Grammy Awards.

Miss Moneypenny encircled by architectural excellence

Through the "Barrel of the gun" the creators of the show propel visitors in pleasant small groups into the Adventure World. The ballistic corridor alludes to the enthralling opening sequence of Spectre - anticipating the holistic architectural art work that awaits you here. With the 007 ELEMENTS installation architect Johann Obermoser created a masterpiece of both museum and tourist attraction. With his sober and fairly reduced room design, the Tirolean architect hints the classic forms of the legendary Bond designer Ken Adam. The ambiance reminds you of the quarter where the MI6 moved to after Skyfall and in Spectre in London's underground. Inside the chambers you always have the feeling that figures like "M" or Miss Moneypenny could appear behind the next corner - which is actually the case with Miss Moneypenny in the course of the tour. Actress Naomi Harris herself presents the film shooting location of Sölden together with many other highlights from the soon to be 60-year old Bond History.

Brilliantly combined film and nature spectacle

But for now back to the script: from the "Barrel of the Gun" you reach the outdoor area, the "Plaza" - another magnificent vantage point overlooking the pristine Venter Tal valley and mighty Nederkogl peak before you enter the "Lobby". Star director Sam Mendes personally gives you a warm welcome on the screen. In addition to real insider information, the Oscar winner also explains why Sölden was chosen by him and his producing team. Then you proceed towards a fabulous mirror cabinet with central sequences of all Bond actors - from Connery to Craig - followed by a truly dizzying visual 360-degree experience. Once again Naomi Harris presents an optical staccato of set buildings and locations in an uninterrupted cutting sequence. In the next section 007 ELEMENTS reveals Sölden's marvelous mountains. Large panorama windows are facing the Glacier Road meandering towards the eternal ice of Rettenbach Glacier almost at the feet of the amazed visitors. Daring stuntmen risked their neck at the Spectre chase on this precipitous toll road.

A real feast for fans and movie nerds

The adjacent "Tech Lab" features dazzling agent gimmicks that can move fans to tears (just to reveal one of the many secrets - a legendary gun is among them). Truly amazing interactive platforms give a deep insight into computer-generated tricks and special effects. This is followed by another eye-catcher of oversized format: the crashed vehicle of the film hero can be found in the "Action Hall" together with lovingly mounted miniature figures reproducing the film set of the final clash between good and evil. One more attraction for movie nerds. Especially the fans can take full advantage of eye-catching scenes that come very close to the origin story of such a cinematic masterpiece. In the "Screening Room" some of the most outstanding cinematic pieces of the puzzle are summarized again in the breathless Spectre chase. Like all the previously shown sequences, also this one is staged with the best film, sound and presentation technology features created by internationally renowned manufacturers. The breathless finale ends in the "Legacy Hall", the Hall of Legends. It brings together the greatest moments of Bond history during all those years, ranging from selected "behind the scenes" recordings to iconographic film posters. Last but not least, fans will also find splendid memorabilia in the shop. Real Bond enthusiasts will leave 007 ELEMENTS emotionally touched and visually impressed - almost shaken. At the very end of this wonderful experience a lovely Martini or a strong Espresso are recommended on the terrace of the ice Q restaurant.

Brytyjska aktorka znana ze Spectre oraz Skyfall - Naomie Harris otworzyła 007 ELEMENTS w Austrii.

Przydatne informacje

  • Lokalizacja: Sölden, szczyt Gaislachkogl, 3050 m n.p.m.
  • Ceny: dorośli 22.00 Euro / młodzież 17.00 Euro / dzieci 12.00 Euro Cena biletu nie zawiera ceny wjazdu na górę Gaislachkogl Gondolą I + II.
  • Info: Goście bez ważnego biletu na gondolę górską mogą wykupić bilet łączony obejmujący również jazdę na górę, zjazd w dół Gaislachkogl I + II oraz wstęp do 007 ELEMENTS.
  • Czas: na zwiedzanie 007 ELEMENTS należy sobie zarezerwować tak ok. 1,5 godziny.

1 Comment

  1. pisze:

    Bardzo ciekawe 🙂 Myślę, że wartej swojej ceny 🙂

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